The Chavez Family

The Chavez Family
Day of the Gamma Knife procedure 128//15

Friday, December 2, 2011

What a Day!

Oh my gosh, I'm so tired my head hurts.  But, I have to post this because I am so excited!  My amazing honey badger best friend arranged a huge surprise.  I am so speechless because I cannot keep a secret, so this is even more amazing to me!  She arranged that David was able to fly back here on a buddy ticket.  David got up at 0200 (usually that's when he's going to bed!), drove to Laredo, TX from McAllen (about 4 hours), so he could get on the first flight to Dallas.  His friend picked him up and they went to my work/hospital because I had some doctor appointments and a treatment today.  He went to my room - not there.  Calling me up: "Where are you?"  "Getting my sutures removed from my head."  "Okay, let me call you in a sec, I'm about to eat."  So David stakes out how I'll head back to my room for treatment and sits and waits for me.  I take a detour to get a water and I don't even see him! He walks up to me and says, "Hey, what's up?"  You know, it takes me a minute to realize that it's him......"Hey, OMG!  What are you doing here?!?!?!?!"  It was such a wonderful surprise!  I was TOTALLY surprised!  I had absolutely NO idea.  And it was wonderful!  He stayed with me during treatment.  We took a nap together, he was with me all afternoon.  We have spent so much time together since the latest diagnosis, that this separation has been a little hard on me (I miss hanging out with him - he's really fun to hang out with!)  {If you ask David, he will love to tell you the story about how I never missed him when we were separated with the military and then when he was deployed.  When he came back I told him "I need to get to know you again."  Wasn't I an awful wife back then???  I hope I've made it up to him!}

I also have to say to my sister: WOW!!!!  She worked so hard today getting the garage sale together and organized and I did not help AT ALL!  She did it completely by herself, with a little baby! AND, people started coming to buy stuff!  She wasn't even ready and she has people crawling through her house trying to buy her very own stuff!  Like, looking in her kitchen cabinets and stuff!  She was amazing and sold lots of stuff while organizing stuff.  Mireya: you are amazing and I love you!

Okay, off to bed because I can't keep my eyes open.  Talk to y'all laters........

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,
    You became such an incredibly and amazing stronger woman(just a little bit more than before).
    I am glad to hear about your positive comments and mind,so keep up with the good attitude as always.
    Ehh, Pls keep writing
    God bless you and your family
